domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

some years ago

Diana 010

best remembers

photo 1 097

reflection about first session

Well, I have been in constant contact with the technology but without knowing how some applications work (internet), now I have the chance to discover new applications which are simple but really important because we have, as future teachers, to manage such applications just to apply them into the Teaching-learning process fpr a better understanding about the process and, of course, better standars of education into an EFL classroom. I am really interested about the topic because I will learn to manage or put in practice such applications in relation of the technology.  Moreover, the applications are related with the entries of different issues that we have to perform, such entries must be according to what we need to write about tecnonology by considering that these ones are going to be as the folllowing applications: download videos, make a multimedia presentation (slideshare), add pictures, cartoons,  use E-books, and many related things with the topic.

There is no doutb that this topic it is not well-known by many of us, this maeans that the teacher must be available to consider to those students who are not ready to get easily with the topic. It is really important to understand this point. in this way teacher will pay attention to the situation and drive students to understand as soon as possible about this wonderful topic. So, it is more than important to be in contact with the high technology and its applications to the education field.